Post-Polio Library
Here are Dr. Bruno's articles that will allow you, your family, doctors and therapists to understand and treat PPS.
- Bruno RL. 'Beating' The Tribal Drum: Rejecting disability stereotypes and preventing self-discrimination. Disability and Society, 1999, 14:855-857
- Bruno RL. Emotional stress in polio survivors. Post-Polio Sequelae Monograph Series. Volume 9 (2). Hackensack: Harvest Press, 1999.
- Bruno RL. Regaining Intimacy: Becoming a sexy polio survivor. Post-Polio Sequelae Monograph Series. Volume 9 (3). Hackensack: Harvest Press, 1999.
- Creange SJ, Bruno RL. Compliance with treatment for Post-Polio Sequelae: Effect of Type A Behavior, Self-Concept and Loneliness. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1997, 76: 378-382
- Bruno RL. Predicting hyperactive behavior as a cause of non-compliance with rehabilitation: The Reinforcement Motivation Survey. Journal of Rehabilitation; 1995; 61 (2): 50 - 57.
- Frick NM. The contribution of childhood physical and emotional trauma to the development of the post-polio personality. Proceedings of the Ontario March of Dimes Conference on Post-Polio Sequelae. Toronto: Ontario March of Dimes, 1995.
- Bruno RL, Frick NM. The psychology of polio as prelude to Post-Polio Sequelae: Behavior modification and psychotherapy. Orthopedics, 1991; 14 (11): 1185-1193.
- Bruno RL, Frick NM, Cohen, J. Polioencephalitis, stress and the etiology of Post-Polio Sequelae. Orthopedics, 1991; 14 (11): 1269-1276.
- Bruno RL, Frick NM. Stress and "Type A" behavior as precipitants of Post-Polio Sequelae. In Research and Clinical Aspects of the Late Effects of Poliomyelitis. White Plains: March of Dimes Research Foundation, 1987.
- Frick NM, Bruno RL. Post-Polio Sequelae: Physiological and psychological overview. Rehabilitation Literature, 1986; 47 (5-6): 106-111.