The International Centre for Polio Education is the world's foremost center for PPS research and education. No one center has studied or published more articles on so many different physical and psychological aspects of PPS. The ICPE is also home to the International Post-Polio Task Force. The IPTF was organized in 1984 to promote communication among the handful of doctors and researchers then interested in PPS. The IPTF worked first to identify funding for research on the cause and treatment of PPS and to promote the acceptance of PPS as a medical diagnosis for which medical insurance and Medicare should provide payment. Since 1985 IPTF members have written and Dr. Bruno forced the release of the US Social Security disability regulations for PPS, identified private funding for PPS research, published more than 1,000 journal articles, monographs and commentaries about polio and PPS and have lectured to thousands of clinicians and polio survivors throughout the world about the cause and treatment of PPS.

IPTF membership has grown from 42 professionals to hundreds of clinician, scientist and polio survivor members in 24 countries on every continent. Its current work includes disseminating the latest information about the cause and treatment of PPS to clinicians and polio survivors, creating post-polio clinics and advocating for governments to accept PPS as a medical diagnosis and to pay for PPS treatment.

Please join us to make the International Post-Polio Task Force motto a reality:

"Every child vaccinated against polio.
Every polio survivor and healthcare
professional educated about PPS."