Post-Polio Library
Here are Dr. Bruno's articles that will allow you, your family, doctors and therapists to understand and treat PPS.
- Bruno RL, et al. Parallels between post-polio fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome: A Common pathophysiology? American Journal of Medicine, 1998, 105 (3A): 66-73.
- Bruno RL, et al. Elevated plasma prolactin and EEG slow wave power in post-polio fatigue: Implications for a dopamine deficiency underlying chronic fatigue syndromes. Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 1998; 4: 61-76.
- Bruno RL, Frick NM, Bruno RL, et al. Polioencephalitis and the brain fatigue generator model of post-viral fatigue syndromes. Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 1996; 2:5-27.
- Bruno RL, et al. Bromocriptine in the treatment of post-polio fatigue: A pilot study with implications for the pathophysiology of fatigue. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1996; 75(5): 340-347.
- Bruno RL. Fainting and Fatigue: Causation or Coincidence? CFIDS Chronicle, 1996; 9(2): 37-39.
- Bruno RL, Sapolsky R, et al. The pathophysiology of a central cause of post-polio fatigue. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1995; 753: 257-275.
- Bruno RL, et al. The neuroanatomy of post-polio fatigue. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1994; 75: 498-504.
- Bruno RL, et al. The neuropsychology of post-polio fatigue. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1993; 74: 1061-1065.
- Bruno RL,Frick NM, Cohen, J. Polioencephalitis, stress and the etiology of Post-Polio Sequelae. Orthopedics, 1991; 14 (11): 1269-1276.